Guide to Planning an Awesome Bridal Shower (Part 2)

So you took our advice and planned an epic bridal shower for your bff. Food, music, venue and decor are covered. Invitations have been sent. It’s time to figure out the event flow. Don’t worry, we’ve got you with this sample agenda. 

1. Host(s) arrives at the bridal shower venue and sets up. 

On the day of the shower, you want to arrive early to ensure everything is in place… food, decor and music should be ready before guests begin to arrive. 

Remember to set up a gift table. Towards the end of most bridal showers is the gift opening, where the bride-to-be opens all her shower gifts. To make this process seamless, set up a table for gifts so that when guests arrive, they can drop their presents on the table. Then when it’s time to open them, all the gifts are in one area. 

2. The bride-to-be and guests arrive at the party and mingling, begins. Make sure you have a welcome beverage and/or some finger foods on hand (30 minutes).

3. Serve hors’ d’oeuvres and cocktails OR sit down to main meal (45 minutes). 

4. Play your planned bridal shower games or other activities (45 minutes).

.5. Time for the bride to open her presents (45 minutes).

Pro tip: Take note of the gift and the giver when the bride-to-be opens the present so she can remember whom to thank afterwards. 

Pro tip: Some people find this part of the shower tedious so they opt to omit it altogether. An alternative is to ask guests to leave their presents unwrapped so that guests can still see the items that were gifted (approx. 2 hours).

6. Host makes a toast to the bride-to-be (5 minutes). 

As you play hostess, remember that near the end of the shower, you’ll also have to make a toast. Take some time before the event to jot down some speaking points. This does not have to be a formal speech. Introduce yourself, thank the guests for coming and offer well wishes to the bride.

7. Event ends and clean up begins. 

Remember, if you’re looking for an awesome space to host a bridal shower near Winterport, Maine, check out 1812 Pierce House, our beautiful rental that’s actually listed on the National Register of Historical Places. Contact us to learn more or to book your dates.